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Text File | 1995-09-18 | 2.9 KB | 112 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- \
- \ Web TIC TAC TOE in Forth. Mindless, for demonstration purposes only.
- \
- \ Ronald T. Kneusel, 18-Sep-95
- \ rkneusel@post.its.mcw.edu
- \
- \ This code requires the CGIshell.4th file.
- \
- ( load the CGI shell code )
- ( --> CGIshell.4th )
- ( *********************** Strings and such ************************* )
- 2048 String>> output \ put the reply here
- 5 String>> choice \ user's move here
- message[ s0 <h2>Web Tic Tac Toe - A CGI demo in Forth</h2><hr size=2>]
- message[ s1 <b>Your move....</b><p>]
- message[ s2 <b>Game over, thanks for playing</b><p>]
- message[ s3 <b>Illegal move, try again...</b><p>]
- message[ bd <tt>1 | 2 | 3</tt><br><tt>4 | 5 | 6</tt><br><tt>7 | 8 | 9</tt>]
- message[ c1 <select name="c"><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4<option>5]
- message[ c2 <option>6<option>7<option>8<option>9</select>]
- message[ f1 <form method=post action="ttt.cgi">]
- message[ f2 </form>]
- message[ go <input type=submit value="GO">]
- message[ fn c] \ Field name
- \ offsets into the board string
- create offset 4 , 8 , 12 , 26 , 30 , 34 , 48 , 52 , 56 ,
- ( *********************** Play TIC TAC TOE ************************* )
- : <> = 0= ; macro
- variable n
- : random ( n -- n' ) ( puts a random number from 1 to n on stack )
- n ! 0 >r ,$ A861 r> abs n @ 32767 */ 1+ ;
- : set ( v n -- ) \ set value for position n
- 1- 2* offset + @ bd + c! ;
- : get ( n -- val ) \ return value of position n
- 1- 2* offset + @ bd + c@ ;
- : over? ( -- t|f ) \ true if the game is over (all spaces filled)
- -1
- 10 1 DO
- r get 88 <>
- r get 79 <> and IF drop 0 THEN
- LOOP ;
- variable ILLEGAL 0 ILLEGAL ! \ true if illegal move
- variable GOODBYE 0 GOODBYE ! \ true if game over
- : make_a_move \ chose a random position
- 88 choice c@ 48 - dup
- get dup 88 = swap 79 = or IF
- drop -1 ILLEGAL ! \ bogus move
- set \ mark user's choice
- over? 0= IF
- 9 random \ get a position
- BEGIN dup dup get 88 =
- swap get 79 = or WHILE drop 9 random REPEAT \ chose until open
- 79 swap set \ set to 'O'
- over? IF -1 GOODBYE ! THEN
- -1 GOODBYE !
- ;
- ( ********************* Apple Event Handler ************************ )
- ,s sdoc ,s WWWΩ ae:
- output newstr \ clear the output
- output startstring \ new HTML string
- s0 output strcpy \ header
- choice fn NEW @Field \ get user's move
- make_a_move \ then computer's turn
- s2 output strcpy \ game over
- bd output strcpy
- s3 output strcpy \ illegal move
- s1 output strcpy \ valid moves
- bd output strcpy
- f1 output strcpy
- c1 output strcpy
- c2 output strcpy
- go output strcpy
- f2 output strcpy
- output endstring
- output REPLY \ send the reply
- GOODBYE @ IF bye THEN \ quit if game over
- ;ae